
The Impact of Microplastics on Zooplankton and Marine Ecosystems

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Microplastics are small particles of plastic, which are degraded due to sunlight, heat radiation, oxidation, and biofilm from sunlight causing them to become smaller in size. This degradation process occurs faster in the ocean because of its small size, and will easily enter marine organisms, one of which is zooplankton. Microplastics can enter indirectly because zooplankton look for food with a filter-feeding system or filter food nearby. Zooplankton have an important role in the marine ecosystem because they are food for small marine life such as shrimp and small fish. So it is very likely that microplastics will move into the food chain. It can even enter the human body by consuming marine animals that have been contaminated with microplastics. There have even been several cases that prove the existence of microplastics in the human body. One of the actions we can take is to participate in beach clean-up activities, control the use of plastic in daily life, and support government policies to reduce plastic waste.

Source: Mardiyana, M., & Kristiningsih, A. (2020). The Impact of Microplastic Pollution in Marine Ecosystems on Zooplankton. Journal of Environmental Pollution Control (JPPL), 2(1), 29-36.

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