The Adverse Effects of Paper-Based Packaging on Environment and Health

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The causes of natural disasters are not only piles of rubbish that are difficult to decompose (non-degradable), but are also caused by deforestation. Deforestation or usually called deforestation is an activity carried out by humans deliberately to provide land for settlement and infrastructure development. In addition, deforestation also occurs due to the excessive use of paper, as single-use packaging. Theoretically, cutting trees for industrial purposes should be followed by replanting activities. However, illegal logging still occurs frequently and the time required to return a deforested forest to a stable forest (ideal ecosystem and tree density) is decades or even a hundred years.

Apart from creating that adverse effect on the environment, paper packaging also has a negative impact on health. Paper packaging used to wrap food is laminated with plastic, such as rice wrap. However, several studies and news have emerged saying that paper packaging contains the compound Bisphenol A (BPA). Because rice wrapping paper and burgers are packaging commonly used by canteens and food courts, consumers can not avoid exposure to BPA, microplastics and dangerous plastic additives. Biopac offers rice wrapping paper, that is free from BPA, microplastics and harmful plastic additives. Biopac not only reduces deforestation, but provides food packaging that is safe and does not cause chronic disease. We must be wiser in choosing and using packaging products, especially single-use packaging.


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