
Replace Your Plastic Bags with Environmentally Friendly Drawstring Bags from Biopac

The amount of plastic waste in the world is increasing every day. As packaging, plastic is more in demand than glass, aluminum or paper, because plastic is durable, light, practical and cheap. However, plastic is non-degradable. It is estimated by scientific methods that plastic will not decompose significantly even for hundreds of years. The accumulation of plastic waste damages the environment, from floods, soil drought to threats to land and marine ecosystems, and life on this earth. Imagine if we used plastic every day and only used it once—how much plastic waste would accumulate on our planet?

The fact that the amount of plastic waste is more than 350 million tons of plastic waste every year and there is only 1 planet that can be occupied by living creatures makes us committed to working hard and smart to overcome these problems. Thus, we create environmentally friendly packaging in various different formats, including Drawstring Bags. This bag is made from seaweed which is one of the rich natural resources in Indonesia. Because this bag is made from natural materials, it will easily be broken down by microorganisms.

In addition to reducing plastic waste, we also focus on the concept of sustainable living. That’s why we chose seaweed, as it is a renewable natural resource with an easy and fast cultivation process, and it effectively absorbs CO2 to address climate change. We also utilize seaweed to create marketable products, helping improve the economy of seaweed farmers and empower women living on the coast to enhance their potential.

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