After waiting for more than one year, we are glad to receive this certificate. What does this certificate mean?
It means that Biopac seaweed-based packaging is made from compostable materials. Thorough testing and evaluation were done by BAW Prüflabor TÜV Rheinland Alboinstr. 56 12103 Berlin, GERMANY. We would like to highlight the importance of this testing:
1. Heavy metals and other toxic substances. The test was done by ICP-OES referring to DIN EN ISO 11885 and ICP-MS referring to DIN EN ISO 17294-2. These sophisticated instruments are needed to produce precise and accurate data analysis, which will be compared to some international standards, namely EN13432, AS4736/AS5810, ASTM D6400, and the specific regulations in China and Japan.
Why is this analysis important? Before the product is used as mainstream packaging globally, we should ensure that there is no chemical hazard to the environment and ecosystem.
2. The maturity of the compost, temperature, oxygen content and pH profile. The data showed that the maximum temperature within 72 h was 22.8-23.1 oC, oxygen is 20-23%, and pH never fall below 5.00 in the course of test. After 12 weeks of composting process, its Rottegrad is V. Rottegrad is the parameter to measure the maturity of the compost and V is the highest value.
Why is this analysis important? Before the product is used as mainstream packaging globally, we should ensure that if Biopac is disposed on soil, the presence of Biopac will not cause any adverse effects to the soil and the soil microbes, such as reducing oxygen, increasing soil temperature and increasing soil acidity.
3. Plant ecotoxicity testing according OECD 208:2006. The test was carried out at ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg, Zeppelinstraße 3-5, 63741 Aschaffenburg, GERMANY. Testing was done on standard soil EE0 using wheat (Triticum aestivum) and mung bean (Vigna radiata) as the representatives of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, respectively.
Thorough testing was done to measure the germination rate, healthy seedling percentage, and survival rate of the germinated seeds. The result showed that Biopac has no risk for plant growth, including chlorosis, necrosis, wilting, leaf and stem deformation. Even more, the presence of Biopac increases the germination rate of both tested plants than commercial compost does.
Why is this analysis important? Before the product is used as mainstream packaging globally, we should ensure that if Biopac safe for plants.