Currently, the Earth is in a critical time due to various kinds of “violence” committed by humans against it.
Coorest said that humans are the perpetrators of various environmental problems today and the Earth is used as an object to satisfy pseudo-desires.
Starting from animal resources to biological, marine biodiversity to rare species, are also affected by the extreme changes that exist.
Therefore, taking care of the Earth is not only a great responsibility that lies in the hands of governments or large corporations; We all have an important role to play in protecting our environment.
By making small changes in our daily lives, we can have a big impact on the preservation of nature and the survival of all mankind in the future.
In this article, BIOPAC invites you to live more environmentally friendly through 7 tips to take care of the Earth easily. Come on, see the tips together!
7 Tips for Taking Care of the Earth Easily
Tip 1: Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastics
Single-use plastics are one of the main causes of environmental pollution, especially in our oceans.
Every year, millions of tons of plastic end up in the ocean, threatening marine life and the health of global ecosystems. Indonesia itself is the fifth largest contributor of waste to the sea with a total of 56.3 million tons per year according toOkezone.
The microplastics contained in plastic end up polluting marine life and it is not impossible that we end up consuming it.
Therefore, start by avoiding the use of single-use plastics such as bottles, straws, and plastic shopping bags.
Instead, BIOPAC provides eco-friendly products, such as tas griphole and pouch
Tip 2: Choose Products with Biodegradable Packaging
The problem of packaging waste is one of the main causes of the increase in the volume of waste in landfills.
One way to overcome this is to choose products with biodegradable packaging
BIOPAC providesFood Packaging or Sheetwhich is made from seaweed which has edible labels for food packaging and biodegradable grade for non-food packaging.
It decomposes quickly and leaves no trace of damaging the environment, making it a better choice than conventional packaging.
Tip 3: Recycle and Reuse as Much as Possible
Recycling and reusing items is an effective way to reduce the amount of waste generated.
By adopting these habits, we can reduce the burden on landfills and save natural resources.
If you own a BIOPAC product, you don’t have to bother because our products are easily recycled by utilizing organisms around the house.
Good news for those of you who have plants at home — BIOPAC products themselves can be grown in the ground and become a biofertilizer. It’s very easy, right?
Tip 4: Reduce Water and Energy Use
Excessive use of water and energy is not only detrimental to the environment but can also increase household costs.
Saving water and energy is a small step that can be taken every day to take care of the Earth.
Try to reduce the duration of showers (e.g., from 30 minutes to 15 minutes), turn off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, and use energy-efficient devices in your home.
Tip 5: Choose Local and Organic Food
Choosing local and organic foods can help reduce the carbon footprint generated from long-distance food transportation and intensive agricultural production.
In addition, organic food is usually grown without the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals that can damage the soil and water.
By reducing your fast food consumption, you are also contributing to reducing the carbon footprint of the fast food industry.
Tip 6: Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Many conventional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can contaminate water and soil.
Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is an effective way to reduce this negative impact.
While there are no BIOPAC products yet that you can choose from as an alternative, it is important to consider using cleaning products that are safe for the environment.
Choose products that use natural ingredients and are not harmful!
Tip 7: Educate and Invite Others to Take Action
The final step in caring for the Earth is to educate yourself and others about the importance of taking care of the environment.
The more people who are aware of environmental issues, the greater the positive impact we can achieve together.