Mari kita mulai dengan serius (Tanpa Plastik)
Butuh kemasan khusus untuk brand Anda atau berpikir bahwa audiens Anda menginginkan kemasan yang ramah lingkungan?
Produk Kami
Why Choose Biopac
Biostimulan Bagi Tanaman
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Dapat dikomposkan Secara Alami tanpa fasilitas secara Khusus
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Dapat Dimakan
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Tidak Menimbulkan Efek Karsinogen
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Aman Bagi Hewan, Biota Laut dan Keragaman Mikrob
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Tidak Menimbulkan Efek Alergi
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Tidak Menggau Kinerja Hormon
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Bukan Produk Hewani
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Menciptakan Lapangan Kerja
Get our customizable products to suit your branding needs
Join our Biopac movement
We are on a mission to inspire and empower individuals, communities and businesses to rethink and reduce their plastic consumption for a more sustainable tomorrow. Got a campaign idea or would like to collaborate with us?
Bisnis kami lebih dari sekedar solusi untuk masalah sampah plastik. Kami adalah produsen biopackaging sejati dan pemimpin dalam kisah pengemasan sirkular yang dapat diperluas ke berbagai format varian kemasan.